Thursday, September 12, 2013

This Journey....

3 and a half years ago I began a journey that I never saw coming. I quit my job and started running my own photography business. From a very young age I was often seen with one of those disposable cameras in my hand and the local Walgreens knew me by name when I would bring in those film cameras to find out what pictures I had on there! Never knowing at this point that one day I would realize that doing just that would become my life and passion. Being a Wife and Mother and also with the recent death of my own Mom has made me realize how important capturing moments can be. Taking a picture freezes a moment in time. When your memory is gone or shaky, pictures never forget. They are there to remind us everyday of the life we've lived, the journey's we've taken and the moments that meant something to us. I can never express how truly blessed I am to be able to capture moments for people that they will one day look back on. 3 and a half years ago I didn't know where this journey would take me, how long it would last and what would become of this business I was trying to start. Throughout my journey I have learned many things about people, about photography and about myself. I want to be as honest with my clients as possible and continue to capture their moments. Through my 3 1/2 years of being in business the things I have learned about myself are

1) I am not a great business manager-being a photographer alone means that you are book keeper, scheduler, photographer, editor, customer service, shipping, sorting, cleaning, marketing, manager, scouter, student. You are a clown for difficult children. You wear many hats with being a photographer and business owner. I have learned that I am not always great at managing all of this. I am horrible at communication. Just as blunt as I can be. I hate talking on the phone. I can handle emails and messages/texts but talking on the phone drives me crazy.

2) I make A LOT of mistakes- I forget to place orders sometimes, I misplace session information, my mind blanks on poses sometimes, I forget to message people back, I'm not always punctual on editing and shipping, I sometimes forget to charge my battery. Mistakes come with the territory. I have MANY clients that understand this and have been extremely understanding with my mistakes. I have had some that haven't been so nice but I am understanding of that because I know people have paid for something and want it in a timely manner. I try REALLY hard to make up for mistakes...whether that be refunding money, or offering a free session or gift cards or offering free products. Sometimes I fall short and I have learned that SOMETIMES that is okay!

3) Technology WILL fail-It's just a matter of when. You can do every possible type of backup to make sure you don't lose images or have corrupted SD Cards. You can do everything possible to make sure your camera is working perfect but eventually something WILL fail. These are things that are beyond my control most of the time. And you sit and pray that if it does whatever you are shooting is something you can go back and redo. I have had more than one of these happen to me!

4) I LOVE what I do- Despite the mistakes I've made and the failures I have come across and am sure to come across again I love everything about being a photographer. I love the comments from people saying how grateful they are that I captured special moments for them. I love when someone comes to me and says my child has never taken a picture like that for anyone Thank you for taking time with him/her. Being a photographer is a lifestyle not just a job. It is something you should be dedicated to. And something people should respect. Many photographers/home business owners use a lot of family time to make sure your products are perfect! We work late hours and weekends and holidays to be sure that what you get is quality. I have had my fair share of mistakes and I have lost my fair share of customers for the mistakes I've made. I work hard everyday to change my business practices so I can become a better Manager. I appreciate each of my clients (ones that I continue to shoot and ones that have moved on to other photographers)

I want all of my clients and future clients to understand how much I appreciate their business and that everyday I work hard to make sure my business gets better. I want you all to know that I make mistakes, I make a lot of mistakes. But I am pretty good about trying to fix those mistakes! Soon I will be making a post about new changes to my business that will help me and will help my clients as well, I hope! My business is my second priority (my husband and son being my main priority). And I want to put as much focus into my business as I do my family because my business helps support my family!


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